At the end of each sugar experiment, participants journal about their non-negotiables, the habits they would like to diligently incorporate into their daily routines to feel better. Returning to these journal entries is a valuable reminder of your commitments.
What has stuck? What has slipped away? Are you ready to add to your toolbox of healthy habits?
Jean Marie - Before creating The Sugar Experiment 31, I had very few daily rules about my wellness choices. And because I was practicing willful ignorance, I got myself into a bit of trouble with my sugar intake. Today, I have a few non-negotiables that keep me feeling healthy, strong, and in charge of my eating. Here are a few habits I practice every day:
Always check labels before buying/eating
Take a probiotic when I wake up, with 20 oz of water
Never snack after dinner
Get outside every day
Prioritize sleep
Hydrate - drink 1/2 my weight in H2O every day!
14 - 16 hour intermittent fasting daily (we haven’t talked about this yet - but expect an email update soon!)
Detox daily - even if it is just a skin brushing or shot of Apple Cider Vinegar
Jen - As an integrative health and wellness coach, my non-negotiables date back a decade and have transformed my life. TSE31 has helped me crystalize the most important daily habits to feel my best:
Enjoy 10-15 minutes of outdoor time first thing in the morning
Drink a large glass of water upon waking up
Meditate 10-20 minutes daily
Take daily supplements, including probiotic, omega-3s, vitamin D with K, and magnesium
Have date energy balls, dark chocolate & chia pudding available to enjoy when I want something sweet
Journal daily
Practicing our non-negotiables is as natural as remembering to brush our teeth twice a day! But…we want to feel EVEN better, so we are committing to adding new non-negotiables this fall!
Jean Marie - The pandemic turned many of my routines upside down, and now I am ready to reclaim some old habits and establish new ones. This fall, I would like to:
Meditate 10 minutes each day
Sweat 20 minutes each day
Journal consistently- write one page per day
Prioritize friends - carve out time to connect
Keep a to-do list and always work on top items
Reinvigorate my Yoga practice - 3x per week
Jen - My routine shifted during my summer schedule so I feel sluggish. I look forward to returning to my rhythm to feel more balanced. This fall I will:
Enjoy yoga 2 more times per week
Sweat 20 minutes, 5 days per week
Walk with friends more often
Back to 10pm bedtime
Intermittent fasting 2 more days per week
Cook more meals in bulk on Sunday
We have heard from many of you that the habits you formed during The Sugar Experiment 31 are supporting a new, healthier lifestyle. We would love to know what non-negotiables have been incorporated into your routines. And, hear what new non-negotiables you would like to practice in the fall. Please drop us an email
. We are on a mission to help humans kick their sugar habit and reclaim their well-being! We have two programs running this fall - September 12th and October 1st! If you want to reset after summer, please join us and enjoy this opportunity to take 50% off as a member of This Radiant Life 31! You can sign up here and enter the code ALUMNI50
Please help us get the word out. Share this email with friends and family. Feel free to offer your friends and family the 20% Friends and Family discount with this code: FRIENDS&FAMILY20